Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mini Pumpkin-Shaped Pumpkin Cheesecakes

It just doesn't get any cuter than this people.

Individual desserts are pretty adorable to begin with - but when they take the shape of an ingredient? Oy.

I should probably start by explaining why I have a mini pumpkin cheesecake pan. As Alton Brown would say, it isn't quite a kitchen multi-tasker.
So I didn't purchase this baby, but I did win it on! That's right, Nicole of BakingBites ran a giveaway for the pan and a copy of her cookbook, and I actually won! And of course I've been trying out things from her cookbook too - posts to come.

Anyway, back to the cheesecake. With the cream cheese and pumpkin and cinnamon and nutmeg....
These have a graham cracker crust, pressed down in to the bottom and baked first, then topped with the filling. It was really pretty simple, the most time is probably spent dividing everything up between the 12.
My friend Tali thought they weren't quite festive enough, so she decided to update it a little.
And then I made her eat it. To each her own.
I had no problem eating mine.

Now, obviously I don't expect you all to have your very own pumpkin cheesecake pan. I would say you can make it in a muffin pan, only hesitantly, since it may be difficult to get them out. These have removable bottoms, so you just have to lift them up and take off the plate underneath.

This amount would probably be about right for a 9 inch pie - but you may need more crust.

1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
2 tbsp butter or margarine, melted
2 tbsp sugar

12 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp allspice

Mix together the graham cracker crumbs, butter and sugar. Divide equally among 12 muffin tins - about a heaping teaspoon in each - and press down with your fingers.
Bake on 325 for 8 to 10 minutes. Remove and let cool.

Beat together the cream cheese and sugar. Mix in the eggs one at a time, and add in the vanilla.
Mix in the pumpkin and spices. Stir until completely combined and uniform in color.
Divide equally among the pans.
Bake on 300 (note a temperature change) for 18 to 20 minutes, until set.
Let cool for 30 minutes on wire rack, then place in fridge to cool for 1 1/2 to 2 hours before removing from pan.


  1. | Obat Untuk Mengobati Gonore | Obat Herbal Untuk Gonore | Obat Kencing Nanah Pada Pria Di Apotik Beberapa hari terakhir ini,setelah mempelajari secara seksama kasusnya dan ditemukan gatal-gatal campur nyeri secara terus menerus pada alat kelaminnya yang disebut Papula kutil merah yang disertai nyeri perianal. Mr.Lee,sang suamipun merasakan sakit dan gatal yang sama, mereka curiga terjangkit penyakit kelamin, dan akhirnya hubungi rumah sakit Metropole Hospital diJakarta melalui internet dan menanyakan apa penyebab penyakit kutil kelamin itu. Ahli penyakit kelamin dari R.S Metropole Hospital tsb mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa kutil kelamin tsb disebabkan oleh human papillomavirus(HPV) yang ditularkan lewat persetubuhan, penyakit ini telah ditetapkan oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia(W.H.O) sebagai penyakit kelamin yang menular.Namun,para ahli juga berpendapat bahwa meskipun kutil kelamin tergolong penyakit kelamin menular,tapi belum tentu disebabkan oleh pergaulan seks bebas,tapi barang kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti ember mandi, toilet dan fasilitas kesehatan lainnya pun cenderung menjadi sumber penularan Obat Kutil Di Selangkangan bagaimana mengatasi penyakit sipilis..? selengkapnya silahkan Cek selengkapnya

    Penyakit kencing nanah ini dapat menyerang pria ataupun wanita, Pada Pria Gejalanya berawal sebagai rasa tidak enak pada uretra dan beberapa jam kemudian diikuti oleh nyeri ketika berkemih serta keluarnya nanah dari penis. Sedangkan pada wanita, gejala awal biasanya timbul dalam waktu 7-21 hari setelah terinfeksi, Penderita seringkali tidak merasakan gejala selama beberapa minggu atau bulan. ka timbul gejala, biasanya bersifat ringan. Tetapi beberapa penderita menunjukkan gejala yang berat, seperti desakan untuk berkemih, nyeri ketika berkemih, keluarnya cairan dari vagina, dan demam. Infeksi dapat menyerang leher rahim, rahim, saluran telur, indung telur, uretra, dan rektum serta menyebabkan nyeri pinggul yang dalam ketika berhubungan seksual. definisi gejala dan stadium dari penyakit sipilis silahkan kunjungi blog kami
