Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lemon Sticky Buns

There are desserts meant to be eaten with a fork and knife. Some need a spoon, others a straw. But some desserts are really meant to be grabbed with both hands - however sticky, gooey and messy they may be. This is one of those desserts.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Don't be Afraid

OK, it's almost Passover. If you  believe the media hype, terrified Jewish housewives and Passover greeting cards, it's a week of crunchy dry cardboard and brick-like cakes. Plus brisket of course. 
But it's not true! Even without the flour - and without making a cake from matzah meal - you can have delicious, light, gluten-free desserts that you'll find yourself dreaming about year-round. 
Clockwise from top left is Strawberry-Lime French Macarons, Lemon Meringue Thumbprint Cookies, Raspberry Almond Chocolate Macaroons and Hazelnut Cake with Chocolate Ganache

Clockwise from top left: Candied Orange Peel, Coconut Lace Cookies, Apple Chips and Peppermint Patties.

Clockwise from top left: Chewy chocolate cookies, Strawberry sorbet, chocolate mousse cups and lemon ice cream

Everything on this page is flour-free, gluten-free and completely delicious!

Have a happy Passover!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Chocolate Financiers - Gluten free and Passover friendly!

I have started and abandoned at least three posts over the past couple weeks. Inevitably - life: school, work, friends, errands, laundry - gets in the way. And now - now it's almost Passover! As the four hours I spent cleaning yesterday can attest, the yearly tradition of removing any products with flour from your home - and baked goods! - is almost here. So while I have tons more flour-packed goodies to share with you, the next couple weeks Baking and Mistaking is going gluten free! And there's no better place to start than these delicious chocolate financiers.