Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hamantaschen galore!

Hey bakers and mistakers! Long time no blog. But never fear, I've still been making tons of messes in the kitchen. Before I get back into the real swing of things, I'm here to share with you some weird and exciting varieties of the hamantaschen cookie for the Jewish holiday of Purim (which is on Sunday!)

This year I set my sights on creating a delicious caramel apple hamantaschen - and succeeded!
 Check out that recipe over at my other blog, The Nosh Pit!

From years past, I made these awesome chocolate, coconut raspberry hamantaschen...
These cool lemon-lime hamantaschen... 
And of course the ultimate classic pairing - chocolate and peanut butter hamantaschen.
And in case you missed it, which should have been hard with my bragging, Buzzfeed picked up not one but two of my hamantaschen in their feature: 32 crazy hamantaschen flavors for Purim! I'm famous!
Have a happy holiday!