Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Don't be Afraid

OK, it's almost Passover. If you  believe the media hype, terrified Jewish housewives and Passover greeting cards, it's a week of crunchy dry cardboard and brick-like cakes. Plus brisket of course. 
But it's not true! Even without the flour - and without making a cake from matzah meal - you can have delicious, light, gluten-free desserts that you'll find yourself dreaming about year-round. 
Clockwise from top left is Strawberry-Lime French Macarons, Lemon Meringue Thumbprint Cookies, Raspberry Almond Chocolate Macaroons and Hazelnut Cake with Chocolate Ganache

Clockwise from top left: Candied Orange Peel, Coconut Lace Cookies, Apple Chips and Peppermint Patties.

Clockwise from top left: Chewy chocolate cookies, Strawberry sorbet, chocolate mousse cups and lemon ice cream

Everything on this page is flour-free, gluten-free and completely delicious!

Have a happy Passover!