Thursday, August 26, 2010

Peanut Butter Swirled Brownies

Oh, friends. If heaven is a dessert, I have found it. These dense, fudgy brownies are spectacular themselves, but when paired with a peanut butter swirl? I've achieved nirvana.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nectarine Raspberry Pie

I am really going to miss pies. The flaky crust, the glistening lattice, the sweet, juicy filling that ends up all over the plate. And this pie? I already miss this pie.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Blackberry Cobbler

I know some of you might be thinking: Amy - where is all the chocolate, the peanut butter, the cupcakes, the cookies, the frosting and the oatmeal?! Well, the answer is, it's all coming, I promise. But there are just a few more weeks left of summer (gasp, I know!) and before long the juicy blackberries, sweet raspberries, tart blueberries and everything else wonderful in the produce aisle will be just a memory. A sweet, sweet memory. Until next summer of course.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hello Apple Pie

Holy apple pie Batman! Did you know that there was no (successful) recipe for apple pie on this humble blog? Well, I am here to fix that. Also to give you pie. Which is fixing that. Sometimes I think I could be stranded on a desert island and entertain myself purely through the strange wanderings of my mind. Although I'd rather be on a dessert island.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Strawberry Sorbet

I may never turn the oven on again. Ok, I might turn it on later today, but I'm really going to regret it. Because with cool desserts like this, why would you bake?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keep the Oven Off!

It is August. Oh boy is it ever August. It is hot and sweaty and my hair is enormous and there are bugs flying everywhere and Manhattan smells like warm garbage and the subway platforms are like saunas and I sometimes wander into stores just to enjoy the air conditioning.

Sorry, where was I? Right, August. Well this kind of weather makes me want to veg out in front of the TV in shorts and a t-shirt and never venture outside during daylight hours. Alas I must. But it also makes me want to keep the oven firmly set at zero degrees. Always.

So in honor of the dog days of summer, here are a few no-bake recipes I've featured on Baking and Mistaking:

1) Chocolate Covered Pretzels
2) Cookie Dough Truffles
3) Chocolate Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats

Please do not let the awful cell-phone photo discourage you from making these - they are amazing, and if you keep them in the freezer like I do, perfect for these hot sticky days.

Readers -stay cool and I'll be back later this week with a no-bake, easy and refreshing dessert. See you then!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have more summer fruit desserts to share with you soon, but let me start with a dessert that has been sitting unposted for too long, and for no good reason.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pear Filled Shortbread

Back to summer fruits! And when you work with the best, freshest and ripest ingredients, you don't want much to camouflage that. This simple shortbread crust is perfect for the sweet succulence of summer pears.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hi all -

I'm happy to announce the winner of the last week's giveaway...(drum roll please)

#11: Randi!
This giveaway was powered by - if you ever feel the need to select a random number - they can help!

Randi - send an e-mail to to claim your prize. Congrats!
I don't think we'll be featuring white pepper ice cream here any time soon, but I loved reading everybody's comments and, who knows, maybe you'll be the inspiration for my next dessert!

Be back with a recipe soon.
