Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cherry Blueberry Pie

I love pie. And it's not just that I love eating pie - which I do. I love making pie. I love crafting pie, baking pie, smelling pie and presenting pie to people who ooh and aah over the golden brown crust, the bubbly filling and the perfect lattice. It's true. I'm in it for the glory. 
I've certainly had my fear of lattice crusts in the past. And pie doughs in general. But once you master it, oh boy  you won't be able to stop doing it. I can pull off a lattice crust in about 4 minutes flat these days. Maybe these skills will come in handy if I ever decide to weave potholders.
But enough about the crust, let's not miss out of the sweet, syrupy, packed-with-flavor filling. Why cherries and blueberries? The real question is, why not cherries and blueberries? Truthfully, I'm surprised that I managed to keep some cherries around in the house long enough to make it in to a pie instead of a snack. We love cherries, and with such a short growing season, we're enjoying them while we can. Also before we have to take out a second mortgage just to afford them.  
Well, I've just said "pie" about as many times as this guy. But once you master the pie, you'll be saying it too. Summer pies have arrived, and I'm not turning back.
On a separate note, I have a friend who has been begging me for months to set up e-mail subscriptions to this blog. She's just an e-mail kind of gal. And great friend that I am, 3 months later, I listened. So for those of you who are also attached to your e-mail, you can get notifications every time I have a new post by signing up in that little box to the right and above that says "Follow by E-mail." Thanks!

Plus, there's a big announcement coming round these parts, so if you sign up for e-mail you won't miss it! Stay tuned. 

Tip of the Day:  I tend to make my pastry dough the night before and leave it in the fridge to be thoroughly chilled, then its an extra step out of the way on pie day.


2 1/2 cups all purpose flour (I swapped 1/2 cup for whole wheat)
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons shortening, cubed and frozen
10 tablespoons butter or margarine, diced and frozen
4 to 6 tablespoons ice water 

About 2 cups cherries, pitted and quartered
2 cups blueberries, rinsed and patted dry
1/3 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch 

egg white
turbinado sugar

Several hours in advance: throw the shortening and butter in the freezer.
Fill a small bowl with water and 3 to 4 ice cubes. Set aside.
Mix together the flour, sugar and salt. (I like to use a food processor for the whole thing, but it's certainly doable with a bowl and a pastry cutter.)
Sprinkle the shortening on top, and pulse to combine or cut in. Repeat with the butter. 
Add the water, a tablespoon at a time, from the bowl of ice water (don't use any cubes!)
Pulse to combine. If more water is needed for the dough to come together, add gradually. 
Divide the dough in two, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 

Toss the cherries, blueberries and sugar together in a large bowl and set aside. 
Roll one of the lumps of dough out on a well-floured surface to about 12 inches in diameter. 
Gently transfer to a 9" pie plate (I usually fold it in fourths to transport, then unfold in the plate). Make sure the dough is flush against the sides of the plate, and trim the edges to leave only a slight overhang.
Loosely cover the dough in plastic wrap and stick in the freezer for 20 minutes. 

Preheat the oven to 425 F. After the shell is chilled, mix the cornstarch in to the berry mixture, and pour in to the chilled pastry shell. 
Roll out the remaining piece of dough and cut in to approximately 1/2 inch strips (a pizza cutter is great for this.) 
Follow these instructions for lattice creation.
Brush the top of the pie with the egg white and sprinkle turbinado sugar on top.
Bake on 425 F for 25 minutes, then lower to 375 F and bake an additional 30 minutes.


  1. I love making pies and just started doing the lattice and since then I can't stop , I just mastered a blueberry peach pie and strawberry rhubarb pie but today I'm gonna try a blueberry cherry pie , thanks your recipe is the best Ive found so far I'm gonna use it .

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