Wednesday, February 10, 2010


As I sit here on what is officially Wednesday but still feels like Tuesday, I feel the pangs of guilt for neglecting you dear reader(s). Posts this past month have been sporadic, infrequent, and it is downright rude. I could make excuses - work, school, endless hours of watching American Idol, but the truth is I'm just Lazy. With a capital L. Somehow I always get in the kitchen, but I don't always get online. And now I'm sitting here, hoping against hope, for a snow day. Which, in this stage of my life, means a day in which I decide that snow prevents me from leaving the house. It could happen.

One thing that drags me in to the kitchen every time is an Occasion. With a capital O. (Sensing a trend?) I love to bake for something. I'd love to bake for the greater good of humanity, but it's more likely a birthday, an engagement, a dinner party or any Jewish holiday.

On Sunday, my friend Rachel (who along with her mother Debby are most valuable readers) celebrated her birthday, which also fell on Superbowl Sunday. Now, while I don't really know much about football except that it rarely involves feet, I never refuse a chance to cook. So, along with delicious mushroom barley soup (which I tweeted about) I made these festive birthday cupcakes!Of course since my failures at writing on baked goods are well documented, I attempted two letters and gave up, letting Sarah finish the task. Meanwhile, poor Alana sat directly in front of the cupcake tray, staring and them until Rachel showed up to claim her treat. Let's just say, I came close to wishing her a Happy B-da. But she held off, and was rewarded. At the end of the night, I was left with HE.
Meanwhile, poor Esti had her birthday back in JANUARY and has yet to see her delicious cake posted here. Next "snow day," my dear.

Word of the Day:
  • Snowcrastination: accomplishing nothing under the assumption that tomorrow will be a snow day and you won't have to leave the house.


  1. Can I claim the H and E cupcakes since I couldn't make it to the bday party? Living far really messes things up.
    Also by next snow day do u mean the 1/2 snow day we have tom?

  2. I like the word of the day. We need one for all wather patterns now.

    Some people make decorating baked goods look so easy. For some I guess maybe it does come easy. But I think the thing that makes you better is simply practice. The more you try writing on baked goods, the better you'll get. Well, maybe...Good luck.

  3. Im still waiting for my occasion cookies...ahem.

