Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homemade Apple Chips

Are you ready for a recipe with one ingredient? Yes, one. I promise. One. And no special tools. No fancy techniques. But really: deliciousness.
Some of you may have had store-bough apple chips, and you know they can be sweet and crispy-chewy and addictive. But they can also be covered in sugar, and other complicated ingredients and really - wouldn't you prefer the version with just one?
I've provided more guidelines than a recipe below, because really, you just have to see it goes. The gist of it is this: slice the apple thin, then dry it out on low heat in the oven until crisp. I used a knife, you can use a mandoline. I had the oven at 200 F then moved to 220 F - you can experiment.
I'm already thinking about when to make these again. How about right now? I thought about sprinkling them with a little cinnamon, but figured I wanted to try them completely plain the first time around. I used a Golden Delicious apple, which is super-sweet, so sugar was definitely not necessary. That may change with other varieties.

So, I'm fleeing the country! I'm off tomorrow for vacation and gone all of next week, but don't worry, you won't be left without some hefty doses of sugar. In addition to some lovely posts I prepared earlier (cue pulling a perfect pie out of the oven) I have a special surprise guest post coming up as well! You should all be very excited for this. Especially as you get somebody besides me. 

Try not to miss me too much. If you do start to have withdrawal symptoms, you can get some Baking and Mistaking fix on Facebook or Twitter. I'll be back!

Tip of the Day: In order to keep the lovely, whole apple slices, you need an apple corer, that doesn't simultaneously slice. This one works well for me, though sometimes the core gets a little stuck in the tube afterwards. Nothing a little elbow grease can't fix!

1 apple*

I left the peel on my apple, you can do as you choose. 
Core and slice the apple in to thin rounds - about 1/8 to 1/16. Spread evenly on 2 baking sheets. 
Bake on 200 - 220 F, checking after about 1/2 an hour. Flip the apples over. Continue baking until they are dry and slightly crisp to the touch. You will want to take out the thinner pieces and let the thicker ones continue drying. Snack on!

*You can obviously do as many apples as you like, but I found that one apple covered about 2 baking sheets, and that is as much as I can fit in my oven.  


  1. How cool! I didn't realize you could make apple chips without a food dehydrator. Have fun on your vacation!

  2. Yum I didn't know it was that easy to make apple chips. Can't wait to try!

  3. Thanks ladies. Please make them. And mail me some.

  4. wow how interesting! I love this idea, sound so tasty! Got to try this soon!
