Monday, May 31, 2010

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Alongside the cupcake cookies at Racheli's shower, were my favorite snack, chocolate covered pretzels. I think it's the salty-sweet combination that I love, and the satisfying mix of crunch pretzel and creamy chocolate. I think I could talk about chocolate covered pretzels all day, but I'll spare you. I tried a few different coatings, some successful, some not. The mini m&ms were just too heavy to stay on. The large round sprinkles looked cute, but were a bit hard to eat.
Obviously there's no baking involved here, but these are a cute thing to serve at any party - and aren't too time consuming. Other potential add ons: shredded coconut, chopped nuts or crushed Oreo pieces.
Tip of the Day: Melt the chocolate in a tall container so you can dip the pretzel rod, then scrape off the excess and roll in the topping of your choice.


  1. This is totally genius! Im gonna try to make some soon, they look so yummy!

  2. Beautiful presentation! Thank you for the helpful tips!

  3. So colorful, Gorgeous outlook with salty-sweet combination. So, SO, alluring. RFS
